and DO LOOK FOR YOUR NAME! :DD i'm sure most of them are here, if i missed out do tell me! ^^
seriously the best birthday i've ever had, thanks so much for the calls, sms-es, gifts, msn
messages, hugs, cards and kisses!
thankyou thankyou thankyou A MILLION TIMES OVER!
to my lovely 2d classmates, my verysweet choir mates!, my tuition mates, 3L nice classmates, artclassfriends, primary school friends online friends and other friends included! ((:
and this is to tell you, emma is grateful and touched, *hugs*
{and anyway jiaye, i've uploaded pics of the presents yup yay xD}
and okay, a big THANKYOU to those who gave me presents and wished me personally yesterday!
not in any particular order;
Felicia and YingZhi
omg thanks you two for the SUPERSUPERSUPER cute eeyore! :DD its so cute and huggable! and thanks felicia for drawing the sweetcard, yingzhi too, you two for the sweet messages, and again, for giving me the UBERCUTE eeyore that the 3L girls adore so much xD thanks for making life in 3L fun for me lovelies!

Meinv LOVELY dear! :DD okayokay you gave me sweetsmelling cookies and a very nice handdrawn card, hurhur! i love you loads mei nv! and maybe its movie on monday with the rest, i want to tell you i really love you alotalot! dont' hesitate to ask me stuffs or anything, i'll be more than willing to help you okay! and i'll always be there for you, so, LOVES! :DD don't get too stressed yeah, takecare! and i'll seeyou tomorrow!
HOTTIE! just to let you know, coolie loves you loads! :DD this shirt is reallyreally cute yes, and it fits me too! my mom likes it too, mummy with a heart aye! hoho, are you my mummy? xD coolie emma loves you alotalot, thanks for being such a wonderful friend for 3 years! and i'll be seeing you tomorrow yes, fanasticfour and your hotguy haha! xDD
alicia and anna
HELLO LOVELIES, annaemmaanna and hottie! you guys know i like spongebob whee! :D patrick thestarfish looks very uber cute here, and i hugged it to sleep yesterday night! like we miss beijing don't we! japboy, cutegirl and our cupnoodles, and ofcourse alicia, your sheep placenta! anna i like to whack your head with this, and alicia, nice job working with you to scare anna! LOVES!
yipeng and christina
thanks girls for wishing me a happybirthday! you're nice classmates yes, so goodluck in whatever you all do yeah, jiayoujiayou!
hello my dearie loves! and now you're alto sl, we don't have time to go home with each other! ): i hope we'll remain goodfriends, i like eating with you at tampines mall! curry naan and butterbread and takopachi and the meatsticks and sushi! :DD i'm wishing you all the best of luck in choir and school, iloveyou!
thanks for aww-ing when i got my present {and that includes hugging my eeyore too xDDD} and you're my newclassmates so yeah, nice meeting you guys! ((:
kaiying and ashley
thankyou dears ILOVEYOUALLLAODS! :DD ashley is love yes, and i like talking to both of you over the phone for damnlong! ^^ lets go out again someday, beijing 2006 loves yes! so sweet of you all for thesandart, you all are my sweethearts too! and whee spongebob stickers, and oh pinkwords too! thanksforbeing my lovely classmates, *hugs*
-Kaiying for drawing the covers! its not dumb, its creative!
-Liu for drawing the winniethepoohandfriends! helloartistic, its your birthday today anyway, HAPPYBIRTHDAY! its a really nice drawing yes, brotherinlaw! XD
-ashley, you're love too! and hmm, hello you're not stupid you'r retarded! :D
-jiaying, hello my sweet darling! your birthday is coming too! stay prettyand chio and sweet yeah!
-juwel and shien, HELLO! okay sunshine and clouds, and anna's friends!
-alicia, HOTTIE! and again, thanks! :DD yep bowling again someday!
-venecia, one day older than me girl! :D did you have a nice birthday hmm!
-riane, ahhh yamapi does not suck! D: though i'll say teppei is cute yes! x] see im nice haha!
-cindy, hello! okay i said hello to rabibu too! and i'm happyhappy now! ^^
-leona, i took some time to guess since you wrote in jap, otanjoubi omedetou! [happybirthday] thanks loves!
-sophia, haha, they didn't force you right! =O nevermind thanks too!
-pamela, DEAR SL! and you'll see my message for you later, loves! jiayou, sopranos rock the world yes! :DD
-isabel, alto sl! jiayou in your work and studies, lets go out someday soon! :D
-yamapi, i love you too! {kaiying..}
-hitsugaya, thanks! {kaiying again xD}
and here's the card from all of you which made me SMILE! ((:
for wishing me a happy birthday, TWIN OF YINGTING! xD no jkjk haha, my nicenice junior! continue to jiayou yeah, sops rock! (:
YEYEYEYE! :D okayokay, laming with you during choir was fun, like yo dude! you're a SPASTIC BIMBO admit it yes, and you're sick too! omg la citylink mall =/ thanks so much for the bottle, i know im abit indecisive, sorry. and sorry i made you broke too omg! and hmm, pink and brown, lalala, pingpong song lalala, you're retarded on a last note, LOVES! :D
hello neighbour! thanks so much for nodding head cute pink man on the toilet reading! :D okay yup i'll work hard for my olevels yeah goodluck for your As! you're a wonderful senior and neighbour, thanks for helping me in maths last time, loveya! bluetooth in our houses is cool yes! ^^
choir darlings
sorry i can't remember who wished me on friday, but anyway you'll see your names later anyway! choir do rock, and i love you guys loads! :DDD
christina liew
HELLO FELLOW BIRTHDAY MATE! like damn cool, we share same birthday, same block, same school, likes the same food {baconcheese takopachi}! takecare yeah, i'll seeyou around, did you have a nice birthday! and oh, we share the same eeyore birthday present, so qiao! loves!
hoho thanks for wishing me happybirthday yeah, you went for cip hur! takecare loves, continue to sing well and love choir! ^^
daddy and mummy and brother
needless to say, i love you guys the most the most the most! ^^ i'm fortunate to have you all as my family, for you offer me the best support anyone could have given me! i'm sorry if i make you all angry sometimes, like not sleeping early and being slack and sometimes being rude, but and again, I LOVE YOU ALL!
here's those that wished me on msn!
omg you remembered my birthday! like my primary 4 classmate, *touched* you're a really sweet girl yes, maybe we can like go out one day! miss you loads, and you stay near me right! :D and again hugs to you, seeyou soon!
DEARSOP SL loves! and i know you love yamapi too, jin is coming back aye! you've finished prodai? xD thanks for wishing me happybirthday, emma is very touched! :D i love you yes! continue to jiayou, the sops love you! ^^
choir president, you're one of the sweetest person i've met too! thanks for remembering, and hmm, i didn't really sleep early that day though =/ i'll sleep early today maybe, don't get too stressed okay! continue to be nice and jovial! loveya!
ngikngik! you're a wonderful friend in my newclass, really! i like sitting beside you and laming about, like you're all cute and nice, lil chipmunk yeah! loveyou to bits, hope you'll cheerup and not let so much stuff bother you, don't let not nice stuff get to you yeah!
my dear pipi! sorry i couldn't go out with you on wed during hols, i got grounded! i'll wear green that day, iotsuka, ipod, itunes! :D how creative, ehehehehehe! okay ai cackle, i'll get you ai next year! ^^ hope to go out with you soon for sakura icecream, i love you loads pipi! and have a nice day!
okay hello flameworks! thanks for like wishing me 5 days before my birthday, 2 times on sms and now online! hmm had fun yesterday? xD okay becareful for much kachiaoing on tuesday, and on a sidenote your friends are gay omg haha! like the video! and i'll continue to gay spam you with pretty and cute photos haha ^^ VIOLET FLAMES FTW. not wtfwtf! xD and like wow your vulgur counter is really hitting the imba level already! =D like lw =.= okay i'll continue message in the sms section =.= and thanks :D
RETARDED RABBIT! ;DD i'm not old laa, but i have grandchildren chloe and clarice and aaron already, and i decided my husband is wilson! xD hmm i really cried yesterday from being too touched omg haha! and anyway i realised its close to one year since i've known you i think! so, nice meeting you and for being such a nice and retarded friend to talk to! jiayou in your studies, dont' sleep too late okay! learn to concentrate and remember our 12am sleeping thing! lets implement it today hahahah! okay takecare! ((:
hello xiquan nice guy haha! thanks man! like hoho, "youdumbbb gun kai la ni bendan!" omg classic phrase from you okay! :D takecare!
hellohello! fellow like to jog/run friend! okay i've not really known you for long, so thanks for wishing me! like lol dumbdumb you don't have my number la haahahah. and hmm, spend more time going out don't just talk cock on msn bah haha! okayokay talk to you soon! :D
and then there's the group of people who sms-ed me or called me from 12am 29th june onwards! :D list is sorta in order in terms of sms and calls haha!
{and in the morning i still have my lovely choir girls touching birthday songs and wishes and presents, i'll get to that after smses and calls! ^^}
{and oh thanks leongying and chris and yumi and cassandra and limying for giving me presents and lending me magazines! they're below!}
anyway there's a few who smsed me early birthday, thanks alot!
hello my dear! YOU CALLED EXACTLY AT 12 AM! :DDD so touching aww, like you know the moment i picked up the phone she sang "HAPPYBIRTHDAY TO YOU"! so omg damn touching you know! and hmm hope there ain't so many stuff that will trouble you, continue to remain positive! and thanks for your present i'll get on tuesday! xDD loveyou loads!
and you're the second one to wish me, though you've already wished me manymany times! xDD stay cute and remain to be the nicenice mimi! mimi pipi mama fofo love! ^^ and hope you like the mushroom yes, its nice to have you as a tuition mate! mama loves you! :DD
hello brother in law! are you sad or something that day hmm! buy nevermind, HAPPYBIRTHDAY, its your birthday today! thanks for drawing the card and wishing me at 12+, do takecare and 2dloves again, its great to have you as a friend, 2dmate and choirmate! do continue to excel in art, i believe you can do it!
MRKHOO AND NOW MRS HO! xD k hellokitty saves the day, you're a wonderful 3L mate that get crazy teacher obsessions! whoo you play counterstrike omg cool! classmonitress of 3L continue to jiayou yeah! emma and ms khoo loves you! =D we'll root for you LOL, loveya!
you got me the first morning wish! wonder howlong you took to type those special characters haha! this is the 3rd time i'm thanking you haha xD and again like above, i'll miss you and i love you!
and i'm reallyreallyreally very touched pamela! jiayou our dear SOP SL! stay pretty and nice and we all love you!
thanks for remembering! and i'll remember you as the nice and sweet girl from 2d! the pretty and tall one from npcc, yeah! and i'll also remember you for wishing me goodluck in the morning for syf, emmalovesyou! :DD and we'll all miss 2d yeah!
{and i got a shock when i came out from choir room to see these 7 messages all in a shot waiting quietly in my inbox! thank you guys!}
dear ashley! and again i've thanked you many times for the present, wishing me a few times on sms, msn, personally! i love you loads, lets' go out again soon, its fun yeah! Ashley leong enxin alex is much loves, you love me too right! beijing 2006, 2d, there's so many memories! LOVES!
and thanks again for the present, its so uber cute! goodluck for your exams okay! and i'll drop by your house soon maybe!
HOTTIE and again, i've thanked you many times for wishing me so many times! like tomorrow we'll be going out! loveyou!
claire chin
i'm especially youched you remembered! goodluck for your olevels and position in band, we'll REALLY go out during the december holidays, we must! you're still as cute as ever right! :D you're the xiaohuaidan like me remember! my i think we've grown alot yes, i miss you loads dear claire! takecare!
and my sweetheart again! i really can't resist your pretty smile, tell your sister she's cute too! :D aww thanks for wishing me in the morning, and with that smiley too! that's so you haha! ^^ loveyouloveyou! goodluck in everything you do yeah!
and omg i thanked you 1million times, thanks for doing so much for me! talking to emma kills boredom! =D and i cna't wait for shopping together soon, jun loves you! hahaha!
did you like your present lol! sweet i like singing with you alot yes! :DD =))
and then there's more!
feliciaaaa! eeyore is so cuteee! like thanks aye! :DD sushi again maybe someday! loves!
whee okay you wished me alot of times already too, the hamster is so cute! i'm not bimbotic please! =X like pink is nice but i'm not bimbotic really! fluffy hamsters are cute yo! ^^ continue to be a nice sop and oh, stay bimbotic!
like my LONGTIME JUNIOR! since sacps and now ahs! jiayou in your studies and everything, listen in class don't read manga! i caught you lasttime k! haha joking ba, takecare i love you and i miss playing with you! :DD
hello chingpufang! artpro omg thanks for remembering too! :DD and whee i really like your artworks okay, goodluck in everything loves! ^^
ILOVEYOU TOO MY DEAR GIRLFRIEND THAT'S SEXY! ^^ hoho your birthday coming too yeah!
wheee thanks for the call and present, i'll seeyou like tomorrow or something! ilove you my bestfriend! :DD like don't forget me ever okay, i was on the taxi! xDD LOVEYOU LOADS ANNIA!!
hoho HELLO AGAIN for sending sms and like maybe on 25june haha! hmm like your late for tuition is really late like no ofcourse not haha! VIOLETFLAMES FTW AGAIN! :DDD hoho 'f|am3w0rk5* LOL omg gay spam of my dear friend photos yes! xD yupyup so have fun sitting in your tll place, you havne't done your forfeit! hohohoho!
and i'll hope to seeyou soon again okayokay! elain is nice love! :D miss you yeah, thanks for remembering and you're still as cute as ever! takecare loads!
thanks! haha nah its like half an hour after that only, you miss choir aye! :D k goodluck in tjc, in your alevels and everything! ((: seeyou soon i hope!
thanks for wishing me like long time ago! seeyour name later!
right okay end of sms-es! :D
now the most touching part wheee!
you know the first thing i reached the choir room, the choir girls came,
thanks cheryl, jemimah, limying, leongying, pamela, meixuan, riane! i'm sorry did i miss out anyone?
and i love the name emms haha! ((:
and your very nice card that's so sweet. ohyes i'm making IC soon i think!
so you'll hope november will come soon!
and hoho hope you'll be able to let go of any troubles too yeah, thanks for beubg a wonderful choirmate and 3L classmate, i loveyou! :D
and christopher bimbo thanks for this cute hamster loads! and the note attached! xDD
and thanks jiaye for wishing me again too!
thanks limying for wishing me DURING choir like when you're supposed to check support xD
and oh, when i already went you shouted EMMA from the top and passed me the MAGAZINES WITH YAMAPI AND KATTUN AND ALL! like THANKYOU LIMYING! :DDDD
and the most touching part was,
THE CHOIR GIRLS CALLED MY HANDPHONE USING PAMELA'S AND SANG ME A BIRTHDAY SONG! like, in english and chinese! omg thanks my loves, so i shouted THANKYOU to them until the ppl walking down stared at me! this is to show my utmost gratitude towards you guys, i love you all!
i was really really very touched, really! T.T
like wow! and then piano and LEARNING LAB
you're so cute luh! ask me go outside classroom hur! xDD the soft toy is really cute yes! THANKS AGAIN! hohoho, and i fixed the curtain thing luh, its colourful, and i hugged the giraffe to sleep yesterday! :DDD mimimimi, thankyou! and your jacket is nice too haha! loveyou loads, mama!
siyun foo
thanks for wishing! and you were like watching the hci drama play on saturday hor! like if you see this please reply hahaha! xDD
and here's yumi's present for me! so cute luh!
and then i met cassandra at tampines mall,
my you've grown too! thanks like 100 times to you too for wishing me so many times, glow in the dark stars! that's so cute, so did you buy loads of stuff in metro? :D maybe we'll go out on day yeah! loveyou loads too! and the sweetcard too!
i cried when i saw your letter to me, can i express much more thanks and gratitude towards you? i love you, truly (: and the letter is pretty and handmade by her! :DD
its a pretty dog swarovski necklace! i loved it and i love you even more dad, your birthday is coming, and i miss you loads! come back soon okay! :DD
mummy daddy, patrick's mummy, 6th and 2nd auntie for the angpaos! like some from overseas okay! :DD
and here's all the presents, say cheese! :D thanks you guys!
and oh, those who wished me at art class today,
yeeteng and kaying
hoho, both of you are entertaining, kaying hope your bite heals? LOL. and haha yeeteng is a curious girl! xDD nice to have known you all yeah!
hello spastic pok! english songs are love, and teacher can't seperate our seats hahaha! and cola sweets that comes in 14 a pack are nice and emma likes talking to you while drawing! xDDD
those who commented on friendster
{i swear i got shocked when i saw so many of them}
okay you can read my profile, its at the top of the page
christina, vanessa, angela, christina liew, ansonn, xiner, pamela, jingxin, ryan , alina, amanda, elizabeth and annalisa!
sorry i had replies just now but they screwed, i'll reply to you all soon k!
and lastly, those who tagged!
♥JIAYE: Hello Emma Banana Retarded Bimbo Fungi Fun guy Funk guy.
♥JIAYE: Oh, hope you like the present

{HAHA YUP I LOVED IT YOU SPASTIC RETARDED BIMBO! :DD and okayokay i'll send you when you're online wheee!}
{hellohello i'll link you asap okayoaky! :D loves}
cassandra: hey! tml is yr dayie. happy 15th birthday to you!!! have a wonderful weekend and god bless:) cyas. and rmb to telll me wat time u free so i can pass u the present:) cyaz
{THANKYOU CASS and for your sweet present too! yup my weekend was WONDERFUL thanks to you guys, i love you!}
yumi: happy birthday emma!!!^^
{THANKS MIMI! emma likes the cute giraffe and large lollipop and the curtains!}
ada`: EMMA {hearts} happy birthday!
{ada loves! thank you my dear junior!}
felicia: happy birthday to emma!!
{thankyou to felicia!! :DD seeyou and eeyore is cute!}
ryan: happy bdae emma
{thankyou rabbit! ;D chloe and clarice and aaron! xDD and hmm i'm older than you wheee! goodluck to you ba! sleep early!}
ngik hiong: happy birthday emma!!!!
{thankyou ngik hiong!!!! loveyouloveyou loveyou!!!}
bel: so it's yr birthday?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR EMMA! ;D
{haha yupyup! THANKYOU DEAR ISABELLL! ;DD takecare yups!}
♥JIAYE: Heyhey take pictures of ur pressents
{haha yup i've done that! :DD}
-SHIPEI-: EMMAAAAAAAA! happpy belated bdae yo! ;D so sry i didnt wish ya ytd ): ANW shipei says hi emma bye emma cya emma gd day emma (: muchloves<33 style="color: rgb(255, 204, 51);">{SHIPEIIIII! thankyou yo! ;D and its alright its the thought that counts! and emma says hi shipei bye shipei cya shipei goodday shipei, takecare shipei, loveyou shipei! lol mrt conversations are cool yo! xD MUCHLOVES TOO!}
leongying`: hahaha yknow we tried calling at first & then it was engaged & we all just went WAHLAOOOOO until the guys thought we were mad & they kept saying thank you after we sang finish hahaha!
{hahaha omg reallyreally! yeah i saw missed call! haha well i called back asap! =DD xD hahaha was it chia or something LOLOL, its crazy NICE people! ((: whee, happy birthday to them then xDD THANKYOU GUYS I LOVE YOU ALL!}
cassandra: hey im bbored. tag me 2 k?
{hahaha okayokay! ^^}
anyway, i'mREALLY touched!
anybody who sang into the phone or for me,
cards with loads of words,
all the presents,
and unexpected wishes and sms-es :DD
*dies* thanks so much!
and don't say i'm emo, but i was really so happy till i cried yesterday.
do ask my mom!
loveyou all loads,
happy birthday to liu! :DD